Everyday we get asked quite a few similar questions regarding CBD, so we decided to compile the most common questions we hear to help you better understand CBD and CBD products.

We will keep this page growing with more CBD questions and answers. There’s no shortage of information required in the ever growing and ever changing CBD industry. As always, if you have anything you would like to know about us and CBD, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

We are always happy to help.

Hemp, legally classified as any cannabis plant containing <0.3% THC. Hemp is part of the cannabis family, though it’s of the same family as marijuana and offers a lot of the same benefits, there is no high or psychoactive effect. So you can still function at work and enjoy a normal life.
Hemp extract is not to be confused with Hemp Seed extract. Hemp Seed extract comes from pressed seeds of the plant which contain no actual CBD but do contain Omega fatty acids which are great for general health. A lot of confusion is caused by some companies labeling hemp-seed oil as hemp oil. To ensure you’re buying CBD, you must always check for a certificate of analysis. Hemp extract, CBD extract, CBD oil, Phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oil, Cannabis Oil, Cannabidiol are the typical terms used for Hemp products that contain CBD. CBD & other cannabinoids are extracted from any cannabis plant that contains <0.3% THC at a dry weight, pre-processing (Legal definition). CBD and cannabinoids can come from the whole plant, just the flowers or the stalks, stems, and leaves. The key to understanding what it is you’re buying is to ALWAYS check the lab reports (COA) to ensure it states CBD/Cannabidiol content.
No. Absolutely not! The amount of THC in CBD oil has to be under <0.3% THC to be legal. You will not experience any psychoactive effect or high.
CBD, other cannabinoids and terpenes work through the endogenous cannabinoid system/endocannabinoid system (eCB). The eCB is a naturally occurring system that is a part of every human, just like the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Through the stresses of modern life and the prohibition against cannabinoids, our bodies develop eCB imbalances, which are reportedly linked to many states of un-wellness.
Yes Absolutely! We believe 3rd Party Lab Testing should be standard across the board. All of our testing is carried out through ProVerde Laboratories. You can contact them at 617-221-3356 if you would like to check us out. Our lab reports (COA’s) are also publicly displayed along with our practices. Visit our 3rd Party Lab Testing page.
We take every precaution necessary to ensure our products are grown, cultivated, and processed using organic practices. The hemp/cannabis used is 100% organically grown but isn’t certified yet as Organic. All plant material undergoes testing before production. To say our final products are certified organic simply wouldn’t be right (for anyone). USDA certification is required, and that just isn’t possible at this current time. As soon as it’s available, you can absolutely expect us to be certified organic. Be aware that organic certification is granted for plant material and processing standards only. Never final product at this point as CBD and cannabis-derived products and compounds are not on the USDA/FDA authorized organic certification list.
Absolutely 100%! We only use all natural ingredients. No nasties, no additives, no preservatives, no sulfates, and no harsh chemicals!
All of our cannabis/hemp is grown in the USA! Colorado to be exact. Purchasing a product that’s produced the USA is so important because of strict regulations and guidelines we are held to along with the fact we support and create jobs within the USA! What you see now within the industry is some competitors will have super low prices of oil that can be just CBD isolate brought from outside the country, with the majority of imported CBD coming from China. Importing CBD can be very dangerous because there’s no identifiable source, and the growing practices are nowhere near as strict as USA standards. PERIOD!
Yes 100%. You will never see “other ingredients” displayed on our labels without disclosing what they are. You must always know what you are taking! Our ingredients can always be validated in our 3rd party reports.
In a nutshell, it’s a synergistic effect that the many components within the cannabis plant interact with the human body to produce a stronger influence/benefit while all together, than with the elements alone. This is why we currently provide whole-plant full-spectrum CBD oils only. It really is the gold standard and anything less you are wasting time and money, in our opinion, because you are missing critical components we feel absolutely essential for maximum benefit. It does cost a little more, and you get what you pay for. Learn more about the entourage effect.
To be safe and honest, you could Yes! However, there is such a small amount of THC (under <0.3%) that more than likely you will not fail, but we advise you don’t risk it without first discussing this matter in advance with your employer. If your job requires any drug testing, we highly recommend you to be safe and stay away from our product until you can pre-agree with your employer/doctor that you will be using a CBD product. It’s also imperative to understand your companies testing process and what they look for when screening. Some companies carry our cannabinoid tests while others carry out THC only tests. If they test for cannabinoids, you can fail even using an isolated CBD product. The above is true for any CBD product. There is no way around it. We value your safety and ability to provide for your family more than making a sale.
Due to current regulations and federal laws, we cannot provide specific dosing as everyone is different, and may be taking other pharmaceutical medications, supplements, and at this time there is no set standard. We do offer this 3rd party CBD Dosage Calculator to help you in finding out what dose is right for what ailment you are experiencing. Please note we do not aim to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any illness or disease.
We already have incredibly economical prices, however, we do offer programs for assistance, including discounts for veteran, police, fire, EMT and active military discounts. We do periodically send our subscriber only special offers, so be sure to sign up to our mailing list. Sign up form at the bottom of the page! We are a business, but at the end of the day, we are here to help. If you need assistance, please reach out to us, if we can help, we will help!
Yes! Due to the passing of farm bill of 2018 all of our products are legal federally.
We take pride in our quick turn around, and in most instances, we ship out same day if it’s not too late. Customer service is super important to us, and we are here to impress! You should receive your order within 2-3 days, 4 at the absolute most. If it takes longer than 3 days, please contact us immediately so we can light fires under whoever we need to!
Absolutely Yes. We have security in mind for everything relating to our website, checkout and payment processes. We have secure servers, run security protocols, implement a variety of security practices, have a Secure CDN (Content Delivery Network) and a fully encrypted website. Because of all these steps we are proud to be able to use Authorize.Net as our payment processor. We do NOT collect or store any personal information relating to payments and credit cards.
We do. We offer a 14 day no questions asked full return of a used bottle and a 30 day full return for unopened bottles. Customer will be responsible for shipping back the product. The return should be processed and credited to your credit card within 7-14 days.

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